Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What's Old is New

I've been working on my painting skills with some old sketches.  I think, deep down, I am really fighting the urge to work with the real stuff: gouache, crayon, cut paper; you know, the scarey things that go bump in the night and make you wake up in a cold sweat screaming "WHAT IF I MAKE A MISTAKE?"





I think I am finding a happy medium, though!!!


  1. This is a cool post. It seems like a great exercise to redo old work, picking out the weak points and trying to make them stronger. I should try that.
    I hope you don't beat yourself up about which medium you use. If digital works for you because it puts you at ease, then go with it! You aren't less of an artist because you don't use gouache.
    'Love that lion-skin rug!

    1. Thanks, Joanne. I try not to beat myself up about the medium. It still amazes me the perception many have about if the computer does the actual painting. I am in pre-conference crunch time and realize I may not be able to sketch new pieces but can certainly rework some old ones.

  2. What a a fascinatingl experiment!! I think both versions have their own validity & appeal! I suppose it comes down to which medium you enjoy working with more, and of course, the ever-present "time factor!"

    1. So true. I am really OCD and have horrible commitment issues with color so digital really works for me. And now that I've got 4-5 brushes that I love I am really having fun with my work...and I don't have to wait for the paint to dry. :)

  3. Hey there! I love your little pup avatar. Great to see you back and thanks for the lovely comment.


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