Monday, September 9, 2013

"Let Go, Be Bold, Unfold"

As my blog will attest I've been searching for my unique stylistic voice.  I have this huge vision for my work but it gets clouded by the pesky little voices in my head that tighten me up and restrict creative flow.  Last week I was introduced to Flora S Bowley's book "Brave Intuitive Painting - Let go, be bold, unfold"

It is an inspiring and encouraging book that allows me to explore "working from a place of curiosity and letting go of fear." I am taking the rest of this year to explore the exercises in this book and thought I would share a few of the unplanned paintings I generated this week.  Except for (1) there were no sketches involved, no value studies, no color studies, just pure unadulterated painting with all the inherent imperfections.

I am realizing that the imperfections are what give a painting life and character.


  1. So you like the book? I've looked at that before, and wondered if I should get it. These are lovely and the imperfections make them "perfect"!

    1. And for some reason, I am "unknown" although I signed in as me. -Stacy A. Gray. ;)

    2. hahaha! I LOVE the book. Worth the pennies and the giant step backwards I am taking as I learn to loosen up and all learn all that art school taught me. I miss you. Can't wait to see you at the end of the month.

  2. I love this work. Especially the expression of the bird. You have such a natural feeling for this. Beautiful.

    1. Danka, Herr Allen. I truly appreciate your loyal support and feedback.

  3. These are wounderful, Jenn! I adore the cute little bird. <3 Sounds like your on your way to finding your voice already. These are so expressive and haave a free flowing feel to them. Just beautiful. <3

    Isn't it fun to just sit down with no idea at all and just work something out from there? Makes for such wonderful suprises! I do understand about the driving need for perfection, I have a hard time letting go of that as well. Like if a line isn't perfectly straight for flowing, to just scrap it and start over...*laughs*...not the easy way to get art done. ;p

    Keep it up Jenn...I will always say a million times over how awesome you are. *high five!*


Thanks for the comments! Good feedback is always appreciated, but please keep it polite and classy.