Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Cover Story - "Conversations With S. Teri O'Type"

This week Conversations With S. Teri O'Type, by Christopher Allen, goes live on Amazon.com. I am so thrilled to be the illustrator chosen for the cover.

Admittedly, I did have an 'in.'  Christopher has watched me show my butt and bare my soul on the inter-webs, since 2007, when we met in an online critic group.  His words captivated!  They made me feel - something, often times keenly.  My poetry touched on the inane, but he saw through to the fragile vulnerability, and somehow we forged a bond. So when I launched into illustration, Christopher was there as my biggest fan.  He believes in me the way I believe in him.

His writing is flecked with pure pulses of candor, humor, self-deprecation, and honesty...in a nutshell, he writes what many of us are thinking, when it comes to one another and to ourselves - we are invited in, like a fly on the wall, to the neuroses that flaw us all and motivate us toward the most satirical living.

I wish this book Good Luck and God Speed!  I know the author is so deserving of the greatest success!!!  Christopher Allen is the great modern voice of our generation and I am honored to have my work hug his words into perpetuity.


  1. Congratulations my friend! You deserve and congratulations to your friend as well! Wishing you all of the success in the world! xoxox

    1. Thanks so much, Heather. We have been on quite a journey, you and I, over these last few years. It is nice to see things paying off.

  2. That is awesome, Jennifer! So excited and happy for you. It looks fantastic!!

    1. Hi, Jennifer! Thanks so much for all your positive energy. You keep me going.

  3. How awesome! Congrats, Jen. The cover look incredible! Hope to see more and more of your published projects!

    1. Michaele!!!!! Thank you. It was so fun to see it all come together. Thank you!

  4. I love that your work hugs mine, Jenn! I'm so lucky. Thank you so much for the kind words.

  5. What a charming piece! THe best of luck with the book.

  6. I really could look at this cover for hours and hours. Better than so many big-publisher covers. Truly.

    1. Oooooooo...don't know how I missed this comment. Thank you so much! What a great compliment.

  7. Yes, I agree, That's a great looking cover, Jen.


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